Near-field measurement of infrared coplanar strip transmission line attenuation and propagation constants
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Peter M. Krenz, Robert L. Olmon, Brian A. Lail, Markus B. Raschke, and Glenn D. Boreman
Optics Express 18, 21678 (2010).

Impedance matched and low loss transmission lines are essential for optimal energy delivery through an integrated optical or plasmonic nanocircuit. A novel method for the measurement of the attenuation and propagation constants of an antenna-coupled coplanar strip (CPS) transmission line is demonstrated at 28.3 THz using scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy. Reflection of the propagating optical wave upon an open-circuit or short-circuit load at the terminal of the CPS provides a standing voltage wave, which is mapped through the associated surface-normal Ez electric near-field component at the metal-air interface. By fitting the analytical standing wave expression to the near-field data, the transmission line properties are determined. Full-wave models and measured results are presented and are in excellent agreement.